Q. What's the difference between Personal Coaching and Training Programs?

A. The key difference between Personal Coaching and Training Programs is interaction. With Personal Coaching, you have contact with Gregor, your very own personal coach. The coach-athlete relationship is vital in terms of being able to establish a schedule as things get in the way... which they often do. With Training Programs, you'll also receive a fully personalized training program based on your strengths, weaknesses and goals but interaction is limited to questions about how to implement the training program. If you need someone to adjust your program based on your results and to help strategize your race plan, then Personal Coaching is the best option.

Q. I'm not a fast runner, is your program right for me?

A. You bet! Gregor coachs runners at the back, middle and front of the pack. You could be a junior-level entrant, a young athlete, or a high-performance professional. The only criteria is determination. If you are goal-oriented and determined to reach your goals then we're here to help, no matter what your pace.

Q. If I sign up for a Training Program, what if something (illness, life stress, injury, pregnancy) comes up and need to take a break from the training?

A. Should life get in the way and for whatever reason you are unable to complete the program you can always keep it and use it next time around. There are many examples of athletes who have had to cut a program short but then re-used it for their next training cycle and everything went great!

Q. Do you coach ultramarathoners?

A. Yes! Gregor is a master at helping runners conquer all distances below and above the marathon (and even stage races as well). Click here to contact us about our ultramarathon coaching program.

Q. Do you coach triathletes?

A. Yes and no. Although Gregor is happy to help multi-sport athletes with their training, he can only help with the running. If you want a full program with all sports, then we recommend you work with a multi-sport specific coach. We will, of course, schedule the training taking into account your other activities but feel we aren't qualified to provide cycling and swimming workouts.

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Training Time & Place

Training Venue
Aberfeldie Athletics Track
Corio St, Essendon

Training Times
Monday-Friday 6 pm
Sunday 9:00am


  •  Johnny and Amanda with Gregor